
Komplettes PDF zu GDrive aufgetaucht – Getting Started Guide

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Der Blog GiwY hat dieses PDF veröffentlicht. Wie der Blogger schreibt wurde ihm diese Datei anonym zugespielt.
Hier ein kurzes Zitat. Es beschreibt wie man von Platypus auf Google Web Drive upgradet.

GDrive on Cosmo Getting Started Guide
Please send feedback to
For bug reports:
— Client bug reports: http://go/gdrive-bugreport
— WebUI bug reports: http://go/webdrive-webui-bugreport
Installing / Upgrading to GDrive on Cosmo
Existing Platypus PC Users
1. Before getting started please COPY your data off of GDrive by going to g: and
moving the files to your c:
2. Uninstall the current version of Platypus by going to Add/Remove programs and
selecting platypus
3. Reboot
4. Download the latest GDrive client build here: http://go/getgdrive
5. Run GoogleWebDriveSetup_en.exe
6. Double click the „Google Web Drive“ icon on your Desktop
7. Log in and you should see it performing an initial sync followed by a Windows
Explorer window popping up
8. Start using GDrive by dragging files in or creating new files (Note: you must
drag the files you just copied off of the old version of gdrive back on to finish the
migration from the old backend to the new)


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